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Infrastructure in the Cloud: Getting the Right Deal

ComputerWorld/SNW Conference –  Marc Lindsey.   For the second year, Marc Lindsey shared with Computerworld’s SNW conference participants best practices and lessons learned on how successful enterprises address the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities presented when they decide to use cloud computing for IT infrastructure resource provisioning, utilization, and […]

Why or Why Not WiFi?

Lodging Magazine ( Kevin DiLallo, Marc Lindsey, David Rhode Deploying wireless Internet access in a hotel is hardly a novel concept, but are you making the most of the technology? And are you aware of the potential pitfalls of deploying a wireless local area network (or “WLAN”) at your properties? […]

Update on the AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

Law Seminars International TeleBriefing –  Colleen Boothby.   On March 20, 2011, AT&T, Inc., entered into a stock purchase agreement with Deutsche Telekom AG for the acquisition of Deutsche Telekom’s T-Mobile USA subsidiary in exchange for approximately $39 billion in cash and stock. According to press reports, the acquisition would solve […]

AT&T Demands Control Over Its Customers’ Deployment of SIP Trunking

No Jitter ( Hank Levine Does it Matter? Yes. It’s not simply that AT&T’s conduct is heavy-handed and unjustified. It’s that what AT&T is doing flies in the face of the carrier’s pronouncements on the state of the market and its widely proclaimed commitment to innovation.  

Los juegos y la empresa: Administrando los riesgos

CIO Peru Joaquin Gamboa LB3’S FAME IS SPREADING! See Joaquin Gamboa’s article below on “Gamification” picked up by CIO Peru Últimamente, los juegos para la empresa (o gamification) han estado dando vueltas en los círculos de los CXO (directores ejecutivos). Para los que no están familiarizado con el concepto, “gamification” […]

Zakelijk ‘gamen’ zeker niet zonder risico

De gamificatiehype verbijstert sommige leidinggevenden, maar staat niet voor niets hoog op de agenda bij bestuurders. Maar wat zijn nu de risico’s ervan? ComputerWorld Netherlands Joaquin Gamboa LB3’s Fame is spreading! Take a look at Joaquin Gamboa’s “Gamification” article picked up by ComputerWorld Netherlands Een nieuw onderwerp op veel agenda’s […]