LB3 is known for its ability to protect and advance the interests of enterprise customers and technology companies in the regulatory and public policy arenas. We understand the challenges generated by the telecom megamergers; the convergence of IT and communications; the emergence of new technologies and business models; the rise of the Internet and IP-based services, and the impact of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and other deregulatory efforts.
We represent clients before the FCC, the Executive Branch, and state commissions, and have participated in proceedings concerning:
- the regulation (and de-regulation) of enterprise customer services
- the introduction of competition in local and long distance telecom markets
- regulations and policies affecting the Internet, information services (including Voice over IP), and broadband technologies
- the establishment of rational access charges, surcharges, and rate structures
- performance standards, network reliability, and "best practices" requirements for telecom networks
- universal service funding mechanisms and end user charges
- toll-free number assignment policies and disputes
- E911 requirements for users of multi-line communications systems
- interconnection agreements for new service providers
Regulatory projects and representation include the following:
As counsel to the Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee, the leading telecom advocacy group for enterprise customers, and to financial services industries and associations, we have participated in every major FCC proceeding related to the goal of securing regulatory protection and greater contract flexibility for large users.
As counsel to key portions of the information technology sector in telecommunications proceedings, we have participated in the major regulatory and policy proceedings that affect Internet costs and fees and the deployment of broadband technologies.
In international matters, LB3 represents U.S. companies in connection with their acquisition of international service and offshore joint ventures.
Compliance with the FCC's Grant and Aid Programs
LB3 assists clients in navigating the regulatory maze of the FCC's grant and aid programs, including the E-Rate program (providing grants for internet access and telecommunications equipment for public schools and libraries) and the Rural Healthcare Fund program (providing grants for telecommunications services for rural healthcare providers). We provide regulatory counseling to clients, allowing them to remain in compliance with the program rules and run programmatically correct procurements for federally-subsidized goods and services. In addition, if a school district or rural healthcare provider is subject to investigation by USAC or the FCC for alleged violations of the Commission's rules, we represent the school district or rural healthcare provider in front of these agencies.
LB3 has provided E-Rate compliance counseling to a large urban school district and helped to negotiate a consent decree and compliance program with the FCC's Universal Service Strike Force on behalf of that school district. We have also counseled a large state university hospital system on compliance with the Rural Healthcare Fund's program rules and represented that provider in front of the FCC and USAC for alleged violations of these rules.