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Category: Podcasts

Leveraging the Competition that Transformation Projects Create

Over and above delivering cost savings from technology change, transformation initiatives also deliver best in class pricing and terms because they drive intense competition. Listen to this 8-minute podcast as TC2’s Project Directors Pat Gilpatrick and Larry York discuss with Joe Schmidt how enterprises take advantage of transformation initiatives to […]

Supplier and Contract Management Best Practices

In this installment of our “Staying Ahead of the Demand for Network Cost Savings” podcast series, Laura McDonald, a Partner at LB3, and Keith Cook, a Project Director at TC2, join TC2’s Joe Schmidt to discuss some important supplier and contract management best practices. In this 10 minute podcast, you’ll […]

Best in Class Business Terms

A key component of a market-leading network contract is commercial terms that provide ongoing contract flexibility and provide the leverage to keep your pricing in-line with market changes throughout the contract term. In today’s installment in the “Staying Ahead of the Demand for Network Cost Savings” podcast series, we review […]

Gaining the Advantage in Sole-Source Negotiations

In today’s installment of the podcast series “Staying Ahead of the Demand for Network Cost Savings“, we discuss strategies and best practices for when enterprises are in a sole-source negotiation. The podcast highlights what enterprises can do when a full procurement isn’t possible – due to lack of time, resources, […]

The Latest Network Infrastructure Pricing Trends

On today’s installment of the podcast series “Staying Ahead of the Demand for Network Cost Savings“, Jack Deal, one of TC2’s Managing Directors, and Tony Mangino, a Project Director at TC2, discuss the latest trends in network and infrastructure pricing with TC2’s Joe Schmidt. During this 9 minute podcast, Jack […]