Utilities continue to face spectrum challenges, UTC panelists say
Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) Annual Conference.
Jeff Sheldon spoke recently about securing the appropriate wireless spectrum necessary for smart-grid applications.
Utilities can realize unprecedented benefits from communications that enable smart-grid functionality but securing the appropriate wireless spectrum needed to support these applications remains a barrier for many, panelists said during the annual United Telecom Council (UTC) Telecom & Technology 2015 show.
While there are many spectral options available to utilities, none are ideal for all users. In other words, there’s no single, perfect choice when taking into consideration low-cost and quick deployment.
Jeff noted that utilities should be open to the notion of pursuing a hybrid model for communications that utilize multiple spectrum swaths. “Consider mixing and matching spectrum,” Sheldon said. “It’s OK to take spectrum from a couple of different bands and radio services and [combine them] for the kind of radio service or network that you want.”
He and his fellow panelist discussed useful strategies and approaches for dealing with communications and environmental regulations, spectrum auctions and related challenges.
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